Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today we were at the ONE and ONLY site that said "yes" to us coming in October that still said "yes" in June. So with that much lead time you'd think it would be the most organized and rockin service project we would work with, but BOY was that wrong. We served at the Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless today and while the things they do are really great, they were very unprepared for us to be there and help out. So, around 11:30am I made a phone call to the Salvation Army in Cheyenne and after being on hold for a mere 2 minutes, they asked if we could be there by 1:30pm. I have no idea what made me decide to look up that number and make that phone call, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was all God. I feel like God was really working to make sure we were exactly where we were supposed to be today - and it was not at the Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless. We got to the Salvation Army right around 2 and they had us working HARD for 3 hours cleaning out storage areas, organizing, and making food boxes for the needy. It was pretty awesome. God was really present in our service today and many of the kids felt it.

We got to our campsite around 5:30 and like almost every campsite arrival on this trip, it was raining. We even got some hail this time around. :) Nothing like random crazy weather in Wyoming to make us feel at home! At one point the clouds above us were literally rotating and we asked the KOA staff if we should go into a shelter or something (because in MN rotating clouds above you is usually a bad sign) but they just laughed at us and said we'd be fine. It was hilarious. The students are currently taking 30 minutes of alone time (which was definitely needed after 6 days in close quarters) and then we're off to Rapid City in the morning!

Prayers for safe travels for all of us as we have an early start tomorrow!

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