Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home sweet hot home

Hello all!

We made it home this afternoon around 3pm. It was a great trip and we finished last night at Brent's new church in Sioux Falls. There were lots of tears as we reflected on the trip and each other, and celebrated the seniors. I'll post some pictures sometime this week - and join us on Sunday the 24th at both the 9 and 10:30 worship services for student reflections and a slideshow!

Thanks for the prayers and support!


Friday, July 15, 2011


So we are in sunny Rapid City, South Dakota. The students are doing some work and I thought I would take advantage of wireless that is not the slow slow KOA variety to upload some videos!

This video is in Denver, working for the Salvation Army and their community garden.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today we were at the ONE and ONLY site that said "yes" to us coming in October that still said "yes" in June. So with that much lead time you'd think it would be the most organized and rockin service project we would work with, but BOY was that wrong. We served at the Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless today and while the things they do are really great, they were very unprepared for us to be there and help out. So, around 11:30am I made a phone call to the Salvation Army in Cheyenne and after being on hold for a mere 2 minutes, they asked if we could be there by 1:30pm. I have no idea what made me decide to look up that number and make that phone call, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was all God. I feel like God was really working to make sure we were exactly where we were supposed to be today - and it was not at the Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless. We got to the Salvation Army right around 2 and they had us working HARD for 3 hours cleaning out storage areas, organizing, and making food boxes for the needy. It was pretty awesome. God was really present in our service today and many of the kids felt it.

We got to our campsite around 5:30 and like almost every campsite arrival on this trip, it was raining. We even got some hail this time around. :) Nothing like random crazy weather in Wyoming to make us feel at home! At one point the clouds above us were literally rotating and we asked the KOA staff if we should go into a shelter or something (because in MN rotating clouds above you is usually a bad sign) but they just laughed at us and said we'd be fine. It was hilarious. The students are currently taking 30 minutes of alone time (which was definitely needed after 6 days in close quarters) and then we're off to Rapid City in the morning!

Prayers for safe travels for all of us as we have an early start tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Hello all!

I suppose I'll begin this email with an update to calm the fears of any and all parents and adults who were worried about their student rafting but everything turned out great! We went 22 miles down the Poudre (said poo-der) River in Fort Collins. This year the water is crazy high from all the snow that is still melting (not to mention the three inches of rain we got last night) so it was an interesting day. We ended up doing 8 Class 4 or 4+ rapids, and a handful of class 3s. It was crazy, but really, really fun. I've been rafting 4 times before this and I have never done rapids like these before. The water was 40 degrees, so they put us all into wetsuits (super attractive) with fleece jackets, and waterproof jackets, and then lifevests over that. Also, we had helmets, so you knew it was going to be intense. The morning wasn't too bad, mostly threes and one four-plus and twos between everything. It was fun. Then we broke for lunch along the river and then got back into the big stuff. We did one class-3 and then it was four class 4's right in a row - each one awesome but way more intense than the morning. Then we had to take our boats out to bypass a Class FIVE PLUS (wowza) and then we finished. Everyone made it out alive (ha ha) and not injured, and we only had ONE swimmer (what they call it when someone falls out of the boat, and it was Rachel K) and she ROCKED it and got right back into her boat and gave us a "rock on" sign to let us know she was ok. Our guide told her that she was a privileged member of the Poudre Swim Team now. :) When all was said and done we rafted for about 5 hours; add in the breaks and lunch and it was closer to 6. We're exhausted, but had a blast and are ready to get on the road tomorrow morning and head to Cheyenne for our day of service at Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I've been sitting here for an hour trying to upload videos and they aren't going... so I'm going to give up and head to bed. It's time. I'll try again tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 12

Hello all from Denver!!

We made it here late last night after a LOOONG drive across Nebraska and a large chunk of Colorado. It was pouring when we arrived, so it was a little less beautiful than we'd hoped at our campsite, but by the time we were done with our late dinner the sun was coming out and we ended with an incredible sunset and rainbows and surrounded by nature and foothills. Praise Jesus!

It's been a really great day here in Denver. We woke up to an amazingly beautiful day in Denver. They think it's humid here, but oh my gosh it feels incredible. We are serving today at the Intermountain Salvation Army and we have been at two sites for them today. This morning we served right downtown in the warehouse for the food donations and sorted food for HOURS. All these type A people on the trip have really made it fun for those projects that need a little more organizing. :)
Currently, we're at another location just south of downtown and we're helping at a daycamp, and working in the community garden. Such random things but we're really helping organizations who help people and it's great to be a part of places that help so many people.

After we're done here, we're off to Ft Collins for the night and then tomorrow we raft!
I'll try to post more videos and pictures this evening when we get to our campsite!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Video 1

Here's a video from our service project yesterday! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 10

Hey all!

We are in Omaha. Hot HOT HOT Omaha.

Let me give you some numbers:

Current Temp: 92

Current dewpoint: 79 (OH BABY)

that means the heat index in Omaha today is 110. WHEW!!!

Let me (Natalia) get you caught up on the haps before I move on to today: Yesterday we all climbed in our big RVs and drove from Brooklyn Park to Des Moines. We were able to serve at a homeless shelter called "central Iowa shelter and services." It was a rough place and I think the eyes of our students were opened pretty quickly. They house 130+ homeless men and women and they have a policy of never turning anyone away. This means they often have all their beds full and even have people sleeping on chairs in their common area just to be off the street at night. Unlike a lot of shelters, they will take people if they are drunk, sober, clean, dirty... anyone. They are simply there to give them a place to be.
This is in STARK contrast to where we are serving today. Today we are braving the heat and humidity to serve all day at an amazing women's shelter called "New Hope Life Center." This shelter currently houses 6 women and they live in one big, beautiful house with large lovely living areas, impeccably decorated and with an open, airy, homey feeling. The style of shelter is more halfway house than shelter, but many of the women who come here would be homeless if they weren't here. They are coming from prison or other rehab areas for drug and alcohol addiction and this shelter takes them and helps them heal. It's more than just a bed, but a place where real healing and growth takes place - emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. These women LOVE GOD and they are so thankful for our presence and our work. We're about to come in out of the heat to make them a meal and to spend a few hours hanging out, hearing their stories, and just being a community of Christ together.
What I think is really interesting about our two days so far is that we recognize that there is a need for BOTH kinds of these shelters. Sometimes people aren't at a place where they want healing, and they just need a place to sleep. Both places provide a service to those forgotten and ignored in society and we have been blessed to be able to serve them. We are the hands and feet of Jesus this week, helping those whom God has called us to serve.

Pictures, videos, etc to follow!!

LONG drive to Denver tomorrow! Pray for safe travels as we continue on our journey!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mission 2011!

Hello all!

Our RV mission trip is getting geared up to head out on the road! We leave Saturday, July 9th and will be headed on a crazy cross country trip and serving at various homeless ministries! Can't wait to share all about it with you all!

Check back often for updates!